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Thursday, May 12, 2011

A day at the sugar shack

By Alain, Christian and Simone

On a beautiful spring day, Wednesday April 6th 2011, more than 70 people from the Wellington Center tasted really good maple products. Christian preferred the pancakes, Simone liked the sugar pie and Alain loved the taffy. We also took advantage of the nature all around.
That day was joyfull. Imagine the Wellington Center Closed for a whole day! All the staff, the teachers, Barry, Céline and all the members of the Wellington Center were present and got to share in the fun.
We would like to thank Barry Craigo for the marvelous financial contribution. There was tremendous interest for this activity. It is therefore money well spent. Going to the sugar shack at such an affordable price was much appreciated. We would like to note the enormous effort of Nicole Andrée Gay for organizing all the details of this event. Thanks Nicole Andrée for your vision and your dedication; the success of that day is due to you.
Many members were distraught when they saw the school bus, rented for the occasion, go down the parking lot incline by itself. Many of our members were on board, the bus driver was not on the bus at the time . Sylvain Leduc was boarding at the same time, he felt the bus roll forward and had the reflexes to jump in the driver’s seat to apply the brakes, thus avoiding a disaster. It seems that the hand brake was broken.
Thanks to Sylvain for his quick thinking, the day ended successfully.

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